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Basic Strategy

Using well crafted strategies is crucial in winning in Zatikon, Haphazardly sending your units in rarely works, and even a low level computer will defeat one who uses this strategy. As such it is important to lay a good strategy base for you to build off of. Here are some extremely basic game play ideas to get you started:

Never send in a unit charging in alone against your opponent unless it has some way of getting out or doing some serious damage to your opponent. If you just send in a unit not only do you put in range of your opponents units to attack you but you also bring him far away your own units so they won't be able to back it up if needed. Don't just sacrifice your units unless you do more damage to your enemy because you only have a limited amount to use in battle.

Where you put your units on the map is very important and can mean the difference between a good strategy and a bad one. You don't want to have your ranged units in front and your melee units in the back. Not only do you expose your ranged units to attacks but your melee units won't be able to defend them or attack enemy units until it is too late.

Take out the enemy units that are the biggest threat. Many times these will be casters with deadly abilities if left alive. Focus on a strategy that will leave in range of your attacks and quickly take it out. Don't over extend your units otherwise you might loss more units quickly. If you focus on carefully destroying your opponents key units then you will be able to cripple his army.

When constructing an army balance it out with different unit types. You don't want an army of just powerful melee units. While they can do devastating damage to your opponent if they use the fact that your units have low mobility and range they can kill your units before you can even get in range to do much damage.

Count your commands before doing them. Units have different deployment costs, which appear next to their name. This is directly subtracted from your commands that turn. Every action costs 1 command. It's unpleasant to be surprised when you don't have enough commands for your Warrior to attack the Assassin you just walked up to. If you count your actions before you perform them, it won't happen. 

Examine enemy units you're not familiar with. Clicking on them will reveal their stats and their actions, telling you their capabilities, and the range of their capabilities. There are a lot of units in the game you don't have to memorize them to understand how to counter them. By examining them during a game you will be able to think of strategy to counter the unit. 

Practice against the computer and friends. Everyone who starts at anything won't be a master unless they practice. Just have fun and play the game you will eventually get better the more you play.

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