What heroes did you not use and why:

Started by Chronic Logic - Josiah, November 01, 2006, 09:29:10 PM

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Chronic Logic - Josiah


Once I got halfway through the second level I stopped using archers because I'd rather use the magic classes that do damage and have useful abilities like Necromancer's fear and Elementalist's shield.


I have yet to use the priest, to be honest.

As i said in the Heroes i disliked topic, Necros and Cutthroats were never used.


I like using Necros, but they are tricky to stay alive. Maybe make them harder to hit as they are really apparitions.

As for the berserker/cutthroat, if we make his spin have a larger radius and maybe last a bit longer he would be fun to send into large melees from time to time. Otherwise, I'd rather have a monk I think.

Chronic Logic - Josiah

I experimented with the cutthroat and monk extensively, if you use Rage and spin attack with the Cutthroats they are the most damaging unit in the game (except maybe the elemtalist when he can damage everyone on the map).  I thought they should be cheaper for a while but after learning how to use them I think they are very powerful and should not be changed.  Try using them with a healer to heal them after they rage.  They can take down badies so fast.  Monks are kind of in the same boat, as they die easy but do a lot of damage, however they can heal and resist stun which makes them very useful in some places (level 2), plus they are cheap compared to Cutthroats.  I think they are both useful and pretty balanced.


I didn't use cutthroat, paladin, bard, or monk on any level.  I experimented with each, but always fell back to the other units.

My typical strategy was to have 1 cleric, at least 1 sword, 1 elementalist, as many archers as I could afford, and mix in some druids and occassionally a necromancer.  Beat the whole game that way.


I didn't play much with cutthroats or druids.
Cutthroat, to be effective, self-damages. I'd rather spend my healing power on other units.
Druids, well...i seem to get too invested in other healing units. And they are slow and weak enough. In the end i chose faster more prodcutive units to balance out my team.