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Started by Kran, May 14, 2009, 09:08:22 PM

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I think the game need to show the units are marked as murderers. Short message, i know.



I am still confused about Murderers.  If you place a Confessor on the board, can it attack all the 'murderer' from the beginning of the game or just ones that happen after its on the board?



All "murderer" from the beggining.
Warning to everyone: The diabolist is considered a murderer when sacrifice an ally.


Actually, the question I have cause I haven't tried (and maybe yoru asking this Wakrob)

If a unit kills something on the board and next turn or any turn after, if I summon a confessor, can it kill that murderer?  (Ex: I abjurer your confessor)


Murderers are not something the confessor does. Not something stored in the confessor database that guards the units killed someone and the unid didn't. The deploy turn of the confessor, returning confessor to castle, killing the confessor and then skinwalker become confessor, deploying assassin in it, purging it, all these things do not affect the units marked are murderers. Murder is a invisible status of unit, that can be removed making all these things i said above with the MURDERER instead of doing it with the CONFESSOR.  Even turning them into innorganics, for sure. I'm just asking Josiah and other Chronic Logic staff to add to each unit considered a murdered something like: Murderer: This unit has even killed someone. Maybe a small icon but i'm not sure if its needed. Same happens with the archangel and its smite. It will still kill imediactly enemyes that killed someone even if the kill was before archangel first or last deploy. At truely i did not tested all these things. I just tested purge in murderers and the units become out of range of the confessor again.