Just bought and installed BCS, from the Chronic Logic site, after finding Bridge it! on steam I thought it would be nice to support the developers direct.
However, no matter what I do, the registration page will not succeed, my email comes out as SAMMIMOZHOTMAILCOUK but apart from the periods and ampersand there is also an underscore in the first part between SAMMI and MOZ.
I hate to say it but I think I should have bought it through steam, without all this registration nonsense. Enter code for download, then enter code again after install only to have it fail without specific problem indicated. No wander people like giving steam the bigger cut huh?
So, please - I have bought both BCS and Bridge Project from Chronic Logic to support what I think is an awesome series, can anyone enable me to use this software that I have paid for?
However, no matter what I do, the registration page will not succeed, my email comes out as SAMMIMOZHOTMAILCOUK but apart from the periods and ampersand there is also an underscore in the first part between SAMMI and MOZ.
I hate to say it but I think I should have bought it through steam, without all this registration nonsense. Enter code for download, then enter code again after install only to have it fail without specific problem indicated. No wander people like giving steam the bigger cut huh?
So, please - I have bought both BCS and Bridge Project from Chronic Logic to support what I think is an awesome series, can anyone enable me to use this software that I have paid for?