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Topics - baggio

Miscellaneous / Somewhat related to bridges...
November 02, 2001, 08:50:16 AM
Nothing to see here... go about your business." border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

(Edited by baggio at 1:44 am on Nov. 19, 2001)

Quote: from beaujob on 7:29 pm on Oct. 27, 2001
I do believe the purpose of the HAV is to simulate trainview for your own amusement.I want the ability to place the HAV where I want before I start the simulation. Perhaps a pause mode for the "world," but for the HAV it is same as usual. I'd really like to be on top of my Tower level [ftp://chronic:logic@] when I start the simulation. It'd be neat riding the structure down.
Next Version Ideas / Submit scores to a server
October 26, 2001, 05:48:51 AM
I don't remember seeing it mentioned, but what if when a level is completed, your score is submited.  There could also be an option set in the level design that would allow the bridge design to be submitted too.  This would make contests eaiser, and for the "official levels" you would have a constant running score of levels to beat.

If a user is not on-line at all times, there could be a way to submit it at a later date, or if it was done through email, you could submit a hashed score.  This would also authenticate the design.  The number of broken links could be another paramater that is sent when the score is sent.

Anyone for or against this?  What are other benifits or flaws about this design?

Next Version Ideas / Pullies or Pivot points
October 25, 2001, 10:11:46 PM
Actually, its not pin joints unless you want the beam to be able to swing in two dirrections.  A hinge is more like it, hence the term "hinged joint".  Both would be usefull though.  This should be an easy one to impliment also.  Enjoy.  :-)
General Discussion / 2^10 posts...
October 26, 2001, 11:26:00 PM
After my last post, I noticed we had 1024 posts in 168 topics. Looks like the community is really starting to take off!!! :biggrin: