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Messages - mongolian

Units / Ranger
November 04, 2008, 05:14:37 PM
hehe..totally forgot about serg.  I will be a pay-to-play member soon as rating/ranking is revised" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
Units / Mounted Archer
November 04, 2008, 05:13:13 PM
All i'm asking is for the mounted archer to not have 1 armor... that would really make the unit what it's worth.  As it is.. range of 6 is not cool" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>
Units / Wizard
November 04, 2008, 05:11:39 PM
Awesome.. so nice to see an amazing game run by great minds.
Units / Heretic
November 04, 2008, 05:08:09 PM
I agree, Heretic really makes me want to quit the game when 1 unit will completely whipes out my entire army if i'm not playing a "counter" unit.  For a game like Zatikon to succeed it needs to stay away from you must play rock-scissor-paper type units.

Here is my recommendations for Heretic:

I'm going to even give him even MORE 6-8, but here is the catch: Heretic only affects units that are within 2 squares of unit.  So it would affect a 5x5 grid.
Units / Wizard
November 02, 2008, 05:12:30 PM
The main complaint comes from the Wizard unit, but it's more about jump then anything else.  I really get annoyed that the Wizard's jump ability doesn't take any actions to use.  It's the most crooked thing possible running out there.  Get to move anywhere for 3..then pieces like an archer get shoot anywhere for 4?  We are talking about 7 squares of range with no the only way possible to stop it is by rush attacking.


The only other reasonable thing I can see is making the wizard piece let it Jump 2 squares for free...these are the two only solutions that seem sane to me.

Facts again.
1. Unit moves 3 squares for free.
2. Unit can over/move THROUGH TARGETS..ugghh
3. Unit that is wizard'ed get his normal slew of attacks with an added 3 movement.
Zatikon Discussion / Wishlist
November 04, 2008, 02:37:20 AM
Zatikon is aaaaaaamazing, but there is one thing that is crucial that Zatikon needs above all else.  And i'm sure it's in the works but please..please:

Let it be possable to challenge an opponent to a gametype!  It's utterly annoying having people steal your games when your trying to play someone.

1. Ability to challenge someone to a particular game type (this way no one can accidentally take challenges up)
1. 2v2 Cooperative+Competitive Mode.
3. 4 Player..everyone for them self mode?
4. More FREE action moving units..
5. More things to buy my gold with!!!!
Units / Ranger
November 03, 2008, 10:24:29 PM

The old scout was completely broken:
- 0 to deploy
- 0 to move 3 actions
- went back to hand to make it so difficult to protect

For $50, a free movement unit could be a lot of cool things:
- Could cost 2 to deploy, but then 0 actions.
- Could cost 0 to deploy, but only have 2 actions.
- Could cost 0 to deploy & 0 for 3 actions, but can only attack once. (does not go back to hand, power3-4)
- Could cost 0 to deploy & 0 for 3 actions/attacks, but can only poison units (no normal attack , no going back to hand) has 1-2 hp.

Basically, the idea of a $50 FREE unit should be that it's easy as pie to kill but moves a lot and may/may not even due that can only poison if within 2 range.
Units / Ranger
November 03, 2008, 02:43:26 PM
Still waiting for more feedback here.

I have to say that the Ranger is such a huge core unit in every deck cause it moves/attacks for 3 without taking up actions.   Perhaps the proper thing would be to move it's attack -1 or defense -1.  Despite I enjoy thoroughly playing it and still think its over powerful, Zatikon needs more FREE action units... just 1-2 more would be nice.  Heck, it's own category type of units would be even killer.  Especially a $50 free unit would be the scout used to be.  

Why not make a distant cousin of the old scout, where it moves for free doesn't unsommon and all it does is poison units?
Units / Wizard
November 03, 2008, 02:21:51 PM
The problem with people responding thinking wizard is only "ok" haven't been seen the deck work by players who know how to use it.  If you play a wizard deck perfectly, it's extremely difficult to be beat.

- 1 Wizard
- 1 archer (try to kill this unit with a movement of 5)
- 1 ranger (try to kill this unit with a movement of 6)
- 1 barracks
- 1-2 pikeman
- 1-2 tactician

- 1 alcoylte
- 1-2 pikeman
- 1 tactician
- 1 armory

In order to make a competitive deck, one of the main goals is to make a deck flexible to be able to handle most decks.   I'm not saying it has to beat most decks, but that it should be able to have a chance.  

The wizard deck is just one of those decks out there that does it all with JUMP 3 for free.  When you try to come up with solutions how to beat the wizard deck it's very limiting.
Units / Wizard
November 03, 2008, 02:43:27 AM
The wizard is sooo misleading coming from a perspective of someone who hasn't been beaten by it.  Then, tried your best to make a deck knowing someone is going to use a wizard deck and still can't beat it.  It's much easier to comment on something that hasnt been playtested:
the wizard is a fairly expensive unit for a unit with almost no killing power.

I don't think that making the move cost an action is the best solution though.  This would make it almost worthless to many units.

I think Garcia is really dead on by saying a unit needs to have 1 action point to "jump".  Remember, jump moves over pieces.  That makes an archer have a range of "5". I've said it before, but I wouldnt mind the "jump" action being free if it only jumped for 2 spaces..but armies impossable to attack/defend.
Zatikon Discussion / Game Modes
November 01, 2008, 11:52:07 PM
I'm sure we all want to see a 2v2 coop mode here, but let me  comment on what I've seen so far from players in the game.

Single player is a really format for people to start to get into the game.  There really is way too much to learn in Zatikon and despite I think it needs more ways to help new players learn more, this is a great start.

Cooperative.  I must say that almost all my games account for Cooperative.  Cooperative mode is really one of the true gems why I keep playing this game, cause it lets players not be upset at losing a game because it's only to an ai.  Very low frustration and a great way to learn how to see units working correctly from an ally.

Constructed.  This is the place to be once you got a handle on the game and want to show off your 'rated account'.   But, I think more then anything else, this category really hurts most players.  I almost don't even want to see demo accounts allowed to use this option so newbie hunters don't take advantage.  But, it's not even about winning/losing so much as it is about being completely pawned on when your new to the game.   Keep in mind, most people probablly don't even have a grasp on the game let alone just to "click" Constructed and get ripped apart.  Or even, try playing for a month or so and think you got a handle on how to move & attack and you are going to get ripped apart by a vet.

Point being here, Constructed overall, I believe is currently harming the community vs. helping it.  Again, my two options to revise this category are:

(1) Disable 'Constructed' button to DEMO accounts. or
(2) Make 'Constructed' games for DEMO accounts be unrated.

This leaves me my last category:

Random.  I really love this format aside of the  clear unbiases that happen in army selections.  This is a great place for players of all skill levels come together, learn some new tricks or just hone your skills.
Zatikon Discussion / Ranking system
November 01, 2008, 11:40:03 PM
The main reason I haven't become rated is I am enjoying looking like a noob.

There is an alternative: LEVEL..  Everyone would have a level and an experience meter to show you how along you are on that level.  This way, I know that when I fight against a LVL.8 player..I know what to expect.  The other thing that I've seen in another game is something like the top 12 players (that are ONLY RANKED/RATED) can get #1 - #15 avatar.  That way you can show off your a top player, on top of being a LVL.8 or whatever.  +/- You would still obviously have the top 20/top50 list.
Units / Mounted Archer
November 01, 2008, 11:36:11 PM
Couple points here.  A $150 mounted archer is much better for your buck then a $200 knight.  Sure you can ague there are advantages a knight has... but the mounted archer is the ONLY less then $500 unit that can attack 6 spots away, not to mention 2x attacks.  If it had 1 attack, I would totally fine with it reach 6 spaces for $150 with even +1 power..but this isnt the case.

I'm sorry but there is just no sane way to defend against this unit... if you are trying to defend 1 unit it can simply pick off another unit with a range of 6.  2 attacks with 6 range is NOT JUSTIFIED.  sorry.
Units / Heretic
October 30, 2008, 08:47:09 PM
Revised: Needs to be 1 less hp or $50 more to cast (currently $150)
Zatikon Support / Application issue
October 30, 2008, 08:44:50 PM
yes..i think this is it.  Every once in a while this happens to me and in 2-3 minutes screen comes back again.