
Zatikon is back and free to play!

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Messages - nefariousd

Played the new patch this morning, all the changes are great. Love the new Lock graphic. Although, it seems like there were a few times when Taunt failed (thought it was made to always succeed now?), but it was only on boss or sub-boss type guys, so that may be intentional. The increase in cleric health is great.

Some suggestions:

* When a unit is assigned to a group (via Ctrl), display the units group number either in the info bar or next to his floating health bar when he is selected

* Ability to skip through the fade-in at the main menu by hitting a key

Some dreams:
I know these aren't particularly simple changes or additions, but that being said, these are some things i'd *love* to see included.. maybe for the sequel?" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

* Campaign/Level editor. Pick a map, and assemble your rounds, each with their own set of waves. Could more easily be something done outside of the game, even an XML or INI type input would suffice..

* Unit editor. Ability to modify, or even to add entirely new heroes. If the heroes could be read in via external files to begin with, these kind of modifications would be relatively simple. Alas, I know this is the kind of thing that has to be done at the root of a project" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

Haven't gotten around to trying skirmish mode yet, will give it a whirl tonight!