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Messages - baggio

Records and Hints / Complex mode scores
October 24, 2001, 07:47:47 AM
Mine aren't even worth posting... some I was close, only about a 񘈨 off," border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> Oh well.  Makes me wonder how my awesome no one will beat it Contest entry will hold up now.
Records and Hints / Level 13 Whine
October 26, 2001, 08:21:25 PM
Mine is a very odd looking cable stayed bridge that has a general shape somewhat like a fish.  It works, but may not be the best design.
Records and Hints / No problems at all...
October 24, 2001, 07:39:03 AM
Quote: from falkon2 on 5:57 am on Oct. 23, 2001
My favourite bridge (not level) is simple 14.. You have to see it to believe it.. I nearly pissed my pants laughing when I got it to work.You should have seen my brother's... I brought bridge builder with me when visiting, and he built some of the worst designs possible.  I'm talking bridges that desintegrated to the point that the train would actually get its wheels wet, but somehow still pass.  The sad part was he was completeing each of these levels in about 3 minutes.  After about the 5th level I watched him build, I became suspicious and checked his options.  Magically, he was set to Easy.  Of course, my brother pleaded the 5th and said he knew nothing of that setting nor how it got there.

Still for some laughs, try building a bridge or two in Easy to see what you could do if trains were made of styrofoam.

Records and Hints / No problems at all...
October 23, 2001, 04:49:10 AM
Quote: from Moebius on 3:57 am on Oct. 13, 2001
I like 13, myself, I think I made my most interesting bridge for that one.
My most interesting was normal level 7.  I tried to make a bridge that swayed... after 68 broken links, it gets really swinging back and forth.  I've added counter weights to it too, but that doesn't seem to work very well.
General Discussion / PONTIMANIA!!!!!!
October 26, 2001, 10:52:15 PM
15) You find yourself typing First Post!!!!1 less, and No TT, 0 BL, Clean much more often.
General Discussion / PONTIMANIA!!!!!!
November 12, 2001, 09:37:30 PM
I think that if you are actively involved with the community that should qualify you as a Pontimaniac. As long as the content of those posts are more than me too!

That is why I think post 37) is more appropriate than 29). However, they are both in support of the idea that being involved in an online community about bridge building indicates that you are a Pontimaniac.

General Discussion / PONTIMANIA!!!!!!
November 02, 2001, 08:09:18 AM
Congratulations member." border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> I think that Andy24 may be onto something. Not to be confused with on something.

Perhaps if I used a second alias, my alternate personality and I could have wonderful conversations about nothing, and I too could have 100+ posts.

Seriously though, if Andy24 and pulsejet5 used their words, what would we have to read on this fourm? What kind of world would we have become if two brothers could not use technology to discuss something, and had to use their voices. Without trying to sound like John Lenon, try to imagine a world without keyboards. Without computers. What would we do?

Build bridges out of matchsticks I guess.

Maybe this should be number 32?

32) If this post makes any sense to you.

p.s. I think maybe I've sunk to a new low.

p.p.s. No, I haven't.

p.p.p.s. Yes, I have.

p.p.p.p.s ####... I should have made these additional posts.

General Discussion / PONTIMANIA!!!!!!
November 03, 2001, 08:44:50 AM
37) When you check this thread daily, sometimes hourly to see if you are a Pontimaniac.
General Discussion / PONTIMANIA!!!!!!
October 27, 2001, 01:59:23 AM
I like that.. Br33j |3u!11d0r... If Alex had just called his first program that, then there wouldn't have been any problem." border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

edit: The message board changed my | ) -> |)

(Edited by baggio at 9:25 pm on Oct. 26, 2001)

General Discussion / Tower Building
October 27, 2001, 09:23:54 AM
If you haven't downloaded Calastigro's tower yet.  Get it... then grab mine! 
ftp://chronic:logic@" border="0">
The basis for the design is Calastigro's but I added side crossbeams, and spent WAY too many hours finding just the right way to get it to twist and fail.  I think this might prove to be a useful study for some of you.

You can change where it fails by changing some of the dohickies.  If you notice, there are 4 dohickies on two joints, and 3 dohickies on the other two joints.  By adding two more dohickies, makeing 4 on each joint, you can make it fail two more levels higher.  I'm not sure why.  Just follow the same pattern and it won't snap while falling either.

The HAV has the best vantage point for the failure.  Start the test. Press (H) then (2) to quickly switch into the HAV, then rightclick toward the top of the screen to look up slightly at the second story.  This will set your viewpoint right to where it fails.

The top-down view is also good, but fails to bring you "close to the action."

Get it from Poogle's FTP:
ftp://chronic:logic@" target="_blank">ftp://chronic:logic@

General Discussion / Bridge replicas
October 28, 2001, 07:31:18 PM
Sear's tower is more like 9 buildings held together.  There are 8 of varying height, surounding the core, or heighest part.
General Discussion / Brilliant!
November 19, 2001, 06:39:57 AM
The toys you get after beating the complex levels don't just rock, they bring new meaning to mayhem." border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
General Discussion / Extreme Calm
November 19, 2001, 06:35:12 AM
Quote: from kvinge on 10:42 pm on Nov. 7, 2001
... I, on the other hand have been attending 7 hour practices for the musical that I am in, on top of my regular school work." border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> I am so tired now its not even funny...
I feel your pain. I'm trying to balance school (one year left after this semester, yea!) and have tests to deal with. Aced the one for last week, but I've got another before turkey day this week. I hope I'll be able to spend some more time back on the board shortly, but that doesn't seem to be happening anytime soon. :/
General Discussion / Hmmm, favorite bridge
October 24, 2001, 10:20:55 PM
Quote: from mendel on 4:27 pm on Oct. 24, 2001
Don't thank poogle, it looks as if your account was deactivated (at least it does to my browser).Nope... just not working the way I'd like... If you right click and select show picture, the second one shows... I think Poogle's FTP only allows one DL request at a time.  Most browsers try to grab about 4 things at a time, so the browser is requesting two files and only getting one.  I'm going to have to find a web server to host the images I'm afraid.
General Discussion / Hmmm, favorite bridge
October 24, 2001, 09:22:29 AM
Another favorite of mine is I think what falkon2 was describing.  Maybe to a lesser degree.  Normal Level 7.  Believe it or not, I designed this level to get the most sway and broken links as I could.  Something breaks on every pass." border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'> Get it here:

-or-" target="_blank">" border="0">
Again, Thanks to Poogle and Klei!

(Edited by baggio at 4:39 am on Oct. 27, 2001)