Chronic Logic

Kingdom Elemental => General Discussion and feedback => Topic started by: Chronic Logic - Josiah on August 15, 2007, 06:54:47 PM

Title: Kingdom Elemental Tactics version 1.4 released
Post by: Chronic Logic - Josiah on August 15, 2007, 06:54:47 PM
Kingdom Elemental version 1.4 is now up with a updated demo and full version.  Notice the name has been changed to Kingdom Elemental Tactics.  We have made some major changes which have improved KE:Tactics substantially.  Here is a list of the changes that have been made since the last version:

-Changed name to Kingdom Elemental Tactics.
-Changed some story text to match the story voice.
-Fixed clicking on the pause or play button after completing a round and before starting the next round that would cause a crash.
-Fixed bug when the target for summon skeleton is up when a round ends which caused the next round to start with half the units red and you unselectable on the interface bar.
-Updated readme.txt.
-Added new Firestorm sound.
-Updated credits for new voice actors.
-Added Key to toggle mouse inversion ( I Key).
-Fixed bug if you target a unit that is out of range with a skill, and then that creature dies before you can use the skill, your unit will target another creature with the skill.
-Fixed bug which would select dead units by using a skill like res or summon skeleton while paused and then right clicking on the ground and clicking on a dead unit on the interface bar.
-Fixed double interface bug on the interface bar where unit descriptions and icons would both show on the interface bar at the same time.
-Fixed bug targeting Priest, Familiar, Skeleton, and Elementalist right when they die with spells like resurrect and summon skeleton.
-Added map to the story screens.
-Added all new story.
-Updated a whole bunch of the units voice lines.
-Added camera shakes when last boss dies.
-Fix crash bug with familiars when they die.
-Added note about keys for camera tilt and mouse inversion to loading tips.
-Added scarecrow showing up on interface bar for targeting.
-Added Kobold in tutorial showing up on interface bar for targeting.
-Fixed Swordsmen facing the wrong way in tutorial.
-Fixed the shadows on level one facing the wrong way.
-Added F key to toggle health bars.
-Fixed if you summon a skeleton while you have another necro selected with his summon skeleton target up, you will get all the alive units to pop up in the interface bar and you can target any of them and turn them into a skeleton, this works on everyone, include your own units and bosses.
-Fixed game difficulty to make it a bit easier.
-Added keys for camera tilt.
-Improved the bears flame particles.
-Fixed taunt so it does not fail.
-Added new Archer model.
-Added visual signs of injury to units.
-Fixed level 1 to difficulty ramp to make it smoother.
-Added update check.
-Each round now starts with the unlock screen open.
-Added targeting with skills outside of range and the unit will move towards target and then use skill.
-Cleric has a bit more hp (70 instead of 45).
-Units start from the center of the placement box.
-New lock art.
-New Unit descriptions talk about their strengths and weaknesses.
-Increased the overall game speed to give it a quicker pace and better feel.
-Added Camera Tilt.
-Added When Unit's health gets low the health bar flashes.
-Fixed units that are on fire not having flames.
-New flaming bear model.