What heroes did you LIKE the most:

Started by Chronic Logic - Josiah, November 01, 2006, 09:28:41 PM

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Chronic Logic - Josiah

What heroes did you like the most and why, only post if this is different from the heros you used the most.  For example, maybe you really liked the Necromancer but could not find times when you needed to use him.


I love the Paladin. He is such a freakin badass. Also of course the pirate. The EW looks so cool too, his familiar is funny. Cleric has the best dialogue ever, excepting maybe Science Vessel in SC lol. That's a tough one to beat.


I tend to use a lot of archers.  If you can control aggro with the sword/cleric combo, the archers are awesome.  They can run away pretty quick too.  Elemental is great.  And I was enjoying druid as well.  Necro makes the beginning of the battle tough, but if you can get a skeleton up, it makes the whole battle much easier.


The Druid is my favorite mostly because of the unit names and quotes, but also because of how much they help out with root and buffs.

I liked the Elementalist and paladin the most. Elementalist because his voice is great, and abilities are insane. Paladin was a nice support offtank, well balanced abilities.
Clerics voice was hilarious.


Quote (noraa58 @ Nov. 04 2006,7:59)
Cleric has the best dialogue ever, excepting maybe Science Vessel in SC lol. That's a tough one to beat.

Glad to hear it.... sad that it's going to go the way of the DoDo.... maybe an option for original cleric dialogue could be in gold version? ;p

Anyway, my favorite unit is the archer. (of course after the almost always necessary cleric/swordy)

Fire arrows own... only complaint on them is they still have increased movement speed as an unlock...? Thought that was gonna be replaced? O_o

Chronic Logic - Josiah

They are REALLY slow now, unless you get the increased movement speed, so it is actually useful now.


Yeah, the archers are molasses without the speed ability so you'll want to unlock that soon so they zip!


Just finished the game... I think it's a fairly old build, but in order of usefulness:

The voices for the Elementalist, druid, and necromancer were my favorites of the ones I used often.

Chronic Logic - Josiah

Yeah I love the Druid voice, and I love the monk when he dies and has the I have been slayed line http://pontifex2.com/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/smile.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>


Archer: it's all about softening approaching enemy units.

Necro: nice to have another range weapon, the fact that he makes skeletons is a nice bonus--on top of that he can self heal by sucking blood<< my kind of unit!!

Cleric: Nice range of healing abilities.

Paladin: sheer toughness+ looks awesome.