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Messages - Calis

Next Version Ideas / How close to the limit?
October 20, 2001, 06:54:33 PM
I would like to see how close the weakest link is to break.

A numerical readout somewhere on the screen should do the job..  something like 95.73% (of maximum load).

And an easy way to find this link would be nice, too :)
(blinking, special color during testing or a key in editing mode to highlight it)

Records and Hints / Normal Level Records
February 22, 2002, 10:41:06 PM
Thx Chillum for the quick update.. here is another one :)

Inspired by our new Secundus, I got a clean and dry 86790 for normal level 16  (further optimizations pending - Gray did cover a wider gap with less money. I guess, sub 80k should be possible here ;)

Hmm... do the contest2 bridges (without using the supports in the middle) automatically count as new L15 records?
(same span, and similar water level :)

BTW: What about wet train solutions for contests? This was not adressed in the rules, right?

(Edited by Calis at 3:40 am on Feb. 23, 2002)

Records and Hints / Normal Level Records
February 22, 2002, 07:57:09 AM
Hmm... didnt find the 'clean bridge' thread.. What about wet trains? I'm rather sure it is considered cheating if the slowdown is needed to keep the bridge alive.

Where do we start  to consider a train being wet?
1. When the first bit of water creeps up above any part of the deck (dark water color on the deck surface)?
2. When the train gets a noticeable slowdown?
3. When the first bit of water is visible in front of the train using the in-train view?
4. When the slowdown effect is *needed* to save the bridge?

If it is 3. or 4., I claim a 56996 for normal level  12 :)

Records and Hints / Third Contest cost discussion
April 10, 2002, 06:25:50 AM
Argonut: Dont worry, the 89k would not get you the Maximus, unless my bridge doesnt get enough settling time when  they test it -
I decided to risk that and just sent in my cheapest approach" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
Records and Hints / Third Contest cost discussion
April 05, 2002, 06:48:17 AM
Hmm... I tried my bridge (designed on Athlon XP/1400MHz) on another machine with a P3/500. Takes a *much* longer settling time on the P3 to be safe...

(I know the simulation runs slower on that P3, so I didnt count of seconds, but 'bounces' of the bridge)

Of course, I can add a cable to make it safe even on short settling times, but that would cost 2k more - unsure about what I should send in now" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>
(both bridges are rock solid once settled - survived 40 passes without probs)

Maybe they should allow more than one entry per person (and count only the best working one for results).

Records and Hints / Third Contest cost discussion
April 04, 2002, 12:55:44 PM
Well, I like it, too.

Just broke that 95k barrier,
working on 90k now, but some sublinks do nothing but break. I'd like to take 'em out to save even more money... would be a nice feature" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Records and Hints / Second Contest cost discussion
February 21, 2002, 07:52:31 PM
Hmm.. just found out about the new contest - 3 hours to go is a bit too late for me, so I just want to say 'grats' to my successor, whoever will make it this time!

.. 3 hours later: Hmm, at least I could manage something sub 95k, so  I'm  going to send it in - who knows :)
(I'm sure my design can go sub-90, but now there is no time left to optimize it :(

(Edited by Calis at 2:46 pm on Feb. 21, 2002)

Records and Hints / Normal #16
February 23, 2002, 11:28:28 AM
Hmm.. first working clean bridge here for 150k (on hard):
a heavy steel tower on both sides (2 units high), flat deck (non complex) and cables all over :)
Records and Hints / A new Kind of Record?
October 24, 2001, 09:05:57 AM
Boxlets? What version of the program do you use? Sounds funny ;)
Records and Hints / I need help
October 24, 2001, 08:54:41 AM
If that´s the level with no anchor points on one side, you can always make it open ended and let the train jump to the other side..
General Discussion / Chronic Logic Lives
February 22, 2002, 10:55:05 AM
Nice to see the community 'back at work'" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

I just realized this a bit too late to build a nice
contest bridge - my cheap copy of the last winning design will not win this one" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>

Grats to the new Maximus - whoever will make it this time!

street: drop me a message including your email and I'll put my bridge there..

Josiah: Hi from Austria! (and feel free to put my bridges wherever you want" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

General Discussion / Contest 3 Epilogue
April 12, 2002, 06:39:34 AM
Yeah. grats Chillum...

And I always thought, I am the creative guy in here ;)

Please, enlighten us how you found out that cables can be used that way? I guess, there must have been some 'incident' with a breaking bridge where you noticed that - is that bridge still around? (historical moment! :)

General Discussion / Third Contest!
March 30, 2002, 09:43:26 AM
Just got the 3rd contest level and I think it is time to start discussing wet trains and structures touching the ground ;)

Plain and simple:
1. Are 'wet trains' allowed?
(if not, what exactly is considered a forbidden wet train?)

2. Is it ok to have structure touching the ground?

Regarding contest rules I think both is allowed. They
only require zero broken links and train doesnt go through structure doing the required number of passes, right?

General Discussion / Third Contest!
March 01, 2002, 07:49:15 AM
once a month... sounds reasonable  to me. Maybe we can do it on a regular schedule? (like starting every first  Wednesday each month?)

I wouldnt bother a longer build phase, too... maybe 2 weeks to the deadline? What do others think?

General Discussion / Second Contest!
February 26, 2002, 07:37:38 AM
Gray: well, I think, the forum titles are generated dynamically, so they change for all your previous postings..
But you are right, keeping the Title would be nice" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>
How long can the title strings get? I'd like to keep *all* titles (Maximus I, Tertius II).
Maybe it is possible to keep the highest and the current" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>

Anyway, no problem for me, I'll get back the Maximus sooner or later - should be easy with eternal life ;)

(Edited by Calis at 11:44 pm on Feb. 25, 2002)