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Messages - minime

Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
May 01, 2009, 04:13:42 PM
is this how it should work, or a bug?:
when a doppelganger has less life than the original, its clone will get only the reduced life. but if the doppelganger has more life than the original, the clone will get only the normal life.
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
April 30, 2009, 12:42:48 PM
when an AI unit with a super ability becomes a frog(by witch), it keeps the super ability. (i'm not sure if it is a bug)
Units / Re: minime's units
April 30, 2009, 03:11:19 AM
Thx for the comments  :D

I think the Frankenstein name is needed :D The unit is all about him, creating a monster, then the monster killing him. All the other names can be changed.

If you don't like the alternative win condition(i really like it  ;D), we can change the ability, but keep the mechanic. for example: destroy all units or return all the units of the opponent to his castle. or other powerful things. Or make it to a very big unstoppable monster. Or we can make less extreme things like:
big monster
deploy: 12
and some ability

architect: you need masons to build the houses(this is the story element  ;)). you can build a building for every mason. if you have a mason you can build 1, if have 2 then you can build an other one, and so on. you need lots of masons if you want lots of buildings. maybe the architect should cost more than 350.

Saboteur: OK, then make it non random. the opponent choose a non-deployed unit and that will be dead. you can kill an assassin this way, if you deploy the saboteur late enough.

plant: I just realized, the plant is an example for Lunaraia's tile concept:,1107.0.html

I think one of the reason Zatikon is complicated is that, you cant see what a unit does, you only see pictures. for example in magic the gathering, there are thousands of cards, and that isn't a problem. because you can see what the cards do. it would be very hard to play mtg if you only saw the picture of the cards, and you should check all of them one by one(and in zatikon the life(and sometime even the power and the armor) of the units is changing during the game and you have to remember them too). I had an idea in an other topic to put at least the life/power/armor next to the picture. It would help a bit. Imagine playing zatikon when there'll be 500 different units ;D.
Units / Re: Super Unit Abilities
April 30, 2009, 02:16:39 AM
i don't play against the AI, because I hate to read all the units again and again  ;)
Units / minime's units
April 28, 2009, 07:49:48 PM
deploy: 30
when ares comes into play you won the game :)

cost 350
you can't use his abilities if you control more structures than Masons.
- build a castle. (the opponent have to take all of your castles)
- build a tower.
- build command post
- build a barrack

when comes into play, destroy a random non deployed unit of the opponent.

-1 commands
sacrifice:take another turn after this one

dr. Frankenstein
sacrifice any number of units you own: summon a monster: power(x) / life:(x), where x = the overall power and life of the sacrificed units. no armor, 3 actions.  (an example: if you sacrifice a general and 3 riders, you'll get a 9/10 unit. )
when you first activate the monster destroy dr. Frankenstein

spirit thief
3 range: target unit lose an action (permanent)

evil plant
any unit can move onto a plant
when an opponent's unit moves onto this plant it lose a life
1 action: clone itself (there will be lots of plants soon: all of them can clone itself :)

other plant abilities:
- opponent's units: -1 actions
- friendly units gain a life
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
April 28, 2009, 07:22:38 PM
i don't see, why the trade place ability of the fanatics works against a scout, but not works against the acolyte?

and why the scout doesnt go back to the castle if it attacks an inorganic unit? the ability say that after the attack the scout goes back. The condition of the ability is the attack, and the scout attacked. I think that shouldn't matter what was the target.
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
April 12, 2009, 10:20:20 PM
I tested a bit the AI today and I managed to win 6 out of 10 (at very high level). So it isn't as hard to win as I thought first. (I bought Legions and the Strategist helped a lot)
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
April 10, 2009, 03:47:00 PM
now the serpent revives the first killed unit, and the other killed units die. so the draco doesnt work at all. at least it happened once against the AI.

right now it is VERY hard to beat the AI even with a priest :-\ if there wouldnt be that much clockworks, it would be beatable at least with the priest(and there can be lot of armies that contain a priest). or it would be great if you could choose what level you want to play (only levels that you already beat. so you cant play level 100 if you only beat the level 91). (And there should be some mark(or color) for each special ability. I really don't like to read and reread all the units every turn)

btw the "2 vs 2" game mode is GREAT. I just love it. One minor thing i would like: some indicator that would show the order of the players. for example the colors of their units would be there somewhere in the right order. (sometime i forget which units will move after me)

oh and the cooperative is pretty good again too(it was very easy before the spec units).

and an idea:
maybe(!) it isn't that good to use the rankings of the players after their names. maybe it would be better to use their points, if you really want to use something at all(and you could check the top rankings in the main window menu. and you could see your own ranking(and maybe your points) there too(or at the main screen next to your gold).). I think there are lots of account with 193 ranking (all the accounts that were abandoned after playing only some single player games, so lost no points). so if a player lose some games he will lose LOTS of rank even if his points not that low(because he will be behind the plenty unused accounts). and maybe it isn't too good to see all the time a 2000+ ranking after your name, if you lost just a little more games than you won. maybe the starting player has 1600 point(this is a magic the gathering example), and the other player who has won lots of games but lost more, has 1550, but the only thing he sees is that the ranking of the other player is 193 and his ranking is 2000+ and he will think that he is VERY bad, while he is just an average player(who maybe just lost against the top players). I'm not sure about this whole idea, but I think it worth some talk.
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
April 10, 2009, 12:29:56 AM
is it the intended work?:
1. if one player has a feathered serpent and the other player has a draco, the draco wont work at all.
2. you cant change back a mimic to mimic if it transformed into a knight and the knight became a dismounted knight.

(and the high level AI is almost impossible to beat now. I think the inorganic ability is a too powerful extra ability, it should be more rare. or bring back the engineer :D oh and it isnt too fun to read ALL the AI's units AND even remember, which had which ability.)
Units / Re: Magus
March 16, 2009, 07:50:30 PM
I think no one would use a spirit like that ever. that's a very weak unit compared to the magus. I think the spirit should be VERY hard to kill if we want anyone to use that ability. An other idea: immune to special abilities, 0 armor and 50 life  8) OK, I'm not sure of the 50, it needs to be tested a lot to tell which is the right number. But it has to be a lot or no one will use it (and it is just more simple to delete the whole ability).
Units / Re: Armor 3 Units
March 06, 2009, 07:04:41 PM
make the spirit immune only to special abilities and give her armor 20. then a channeler could kill it after some preparation  :D
Units / Re: Mason?
February 19, 2009, 08:16:12 PM
I loved the engineer. It was one of my favorite units in the game... :'( what was the problem with it?
(and btw I liked the old doppelganger too.)
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
February 19, 2009, 02:30:58 AM
I play poker and there are no disconnections at all(OK, I know, they have much more resources ;D). So I don't think this is a problem of the internet.

firearcher: so, is that a bug the firearcher cant target the area if there is a changeling?
Zatikon Support / BUGS
February 17, 2009, 11:31:48 PM
Please post here in the forum when the interrupted connection bug is fixed. I don't want to play the game until it is there" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':('>
Zatikon Support / BUGS
February 17, 2009, 10:29:42 PM
Is it the intended work, the firearcher can target a gate guard("immune to enemy abilities"), but cant target a changeling(indestructible. "immune to everything")? (btw, there is a third variant of this ability: golem, ballista, catapult: "immune to special abilities".)

an other strange thing: a changeling cant control an other changeling. (OK, this is not too important, just strange" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':)'>