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Messages - Kran

Units / White Mages
June 27, 2009, 02:50:21 AM
The white mages have gained lots of units in last days, and some are overpowered or unbalanced. Follows.

Abjurer and magus, are the 2 white mages i think are perfect. Alchemist is pretty good now, with only some supportable things.

Enchanter is to much strong, expectially in 2v2. I would suggest its dazzle be: Select target unit. The unit and all otherl units 1 range of that unit are stunned during one turn. Can be targetted at allies or enemyes.

Wizard is to much strong. I would like it range units doesnt fly, and +1 power to attack, and you can levitate units that allready fly. So, you can stun enemyes.

Artificer is to much combos and RPS. I will post something at my Unit ideas topic, and i'm thinking about something that include: Ally gain +1 armour -1 life.

Units / Re: New Units Ideas
June 25, 2009, 07:06:15 PM
The pegasus can't load innorganic allies. I forgot about saying that the unit is protected by the pegasus, i mean that everything turns to the pegasus, if i load unit in pegasus, then turn it innorganic, the pegasus will be now innorganic. If witch transform pegasus in a toad, the pegasus doesnt have anymore the loaded ally, and its lost. If you purge the pegasus after load, you loose your unit. Loose not death. Maybe we could change the name to Roc.
Units / Re: New Units Ideas
June 25, 2009, 04:52:33 PM
Wrong. Unit stuns at undeploy.
Units / Re: Balancement of Units
June 24, 2009, 01:05:28 PM
Jezebeau, it cost 500$, but you can get 3 changelings with 800$. Its to much strong in coop. Doesnt matter if it cost much, its to  much unbalanced. Lets say about diplomat. It cant be used, not becouse it is to much cheap. Making it expenser doenst solve the problem. Everything i say about support units isnt to make them weaker, but to make them as usefull with one unit like with other one.
Example: Shield maiden. If it receive damage using protected units armour, It would be as usefull to protect a magekind, that is fragile, as to protect a warrior, that is heavy. As it is, its not usefull to protect any unit that can sustain more damage. Mages have long range, have very strong abilityes. Their weakness are life and armour. Should be costing protect such powerfull unit. A protected witch is harder to kill than a general.

Sure that changing diplomat is #1 priority
Units / Ghost
June 24, 2009, 12:46:15 PM
This unit can't capture castle, the description title of ghost's cant capture castle is "No Victory". Why doesnt make it "Intangible" like will o' the wisps or spirit?
I doesnt know why i created topic for that. Thats zero priority =D
Units / Re: New Units Ideas
June 24, 2009, 12:41:46 PM
I dont think its too cheap. Less range mess it, and range is the only good ability of the rider. The pegasus special ability cost from ally 1 action, so, isnt much strong. But maybe it can be 3 power and 100$. I will edit it. Now it doesnt gain +1 power when ally loaded.
Units / Re: Balancement of Units
June 23, 2009, 11:02:09 PM
And Mongolian, simplicity is relative. Making units simple can mean that the units will have less abilityes, but i doesnt like it. I like units having lots of special abilityes, like the mages, that often have 3. At my opine, the only thing is not simple is the triggerpriority and sequence ID things, that i hate i have to remenber everytime someone get a skinwaler, or until everyone get all units deployed. Also units like conjurer are to much full of things. The abilityes should be at max 3, 4, incluiding the summons, and very strategical, instead of being lots and sometimes only make combos and make some units useless or overpowered. Its normal the fact that my units sometimes change the worth of enemy units, but i dont like when this affect to much the allied units.
Units / Re: Balancement of Units
June 23, 2009, 10:28:32 PM
I'm not saying that all these units above are unbalanced. Golem for example is completely balanced,  But at my opine, there are many units in the game and most of them are never used in constructed, or only used with other combo units. Lets talk about the priest. It is a very balanced unit, but top players will never use it in constructed. Why? Becouse its fragile, convert only 1 range, and 3 actions. The priest needs to get near the enemy to convert it, and when there are more than 1 enemy, the priest is simply killed if you attempt to convert someone. Then a new unit arrives, the conjurer. Conjurer can make the priest convert units without no risk at a big range. Then the priest is usable again, with a new combo. We can say some other units to make priest usefull, like the shield maiden, acolytes. But without such units very rare when a priest worth the 200$. Mourner. Mourner is a bit underpowered when you have a normal army, i mean when you get a random army in random. But when you get any unit that summons lots of units, like a necromancer or a HYDRA, it becomes monster, and will decide the game. Hydra is even more becouse it heal self at end of turn. No one choose a mourner without a combo. Then, i think it needs a change. Sergeant. This unit is nice when you get a normal army. They limited it to melee becouse of the channeler, but forgetted the hydra. Now you can make a hydra + 2 mourner + sergeant, make lots of serpents, becouse of the extra life in hydra. Some of my ideas, are just ideas i dont think need a change. i mean the golem or the footman. But units like sergeant, that i think i forgot writing, would be much more balanced if it can rally any unit, and rallied unit cost no commands to move only. Then it  could have +1 armour. About the druid, it was a perfectly balanced unit, until alchemists. Sure that i can make combos with crossbowmans (Reload with purge) and rangers (Lots of wolfs), but that only increase the amount of wolfs made by druid by 1, and cost more commands. The game will still have some RPS, for example, a scout is bit less usefull when enemy have a druid, and a dragons is less usefull when enemy have a martyr. Dracolich is (even) less usefull when enemy have a feathered serpent, Fire archer is more usefull when enemy have a (no mourner) hydra, its normal. But its to much an artificer, that is ( Very ) more usefull if enemy have a conjurer, witch, geomancer, priest, sycophant, confessor, maryr, heretic, possessed chieftain, assassin changeling, mimic, abjurer, enchanter, and very useless when enemy doesnt have any of both. Also, artificers can make combos with lots of golems, and get healing them, combos with elephant, changelings.
Jezebeau, you said that the changelings + artificer just means you dont have one of your units. No unit should be able to steal permanently one of your units anywhere within 6! Mimic can have one equal, changelings allow you to choose one of enemy's unit so. Honestly, i would like to see mimics returning to mimic form when diplicated enemy die or leave control. Everything i wanna say with that, is that should be no units that only work if opponents have certain units, or if you have certain units, or that doesnt work anyway, or that is as much overpowered to be needed to agree both players to do not use.
Units / Re: New Units Ideas
June 22, 2009, 05:34:32 PM
Class: Scouts
Name: Roc
Cost: 100$

Actions: 2
Life: 4
Power: 3
Deploy: 3

Flight. Movement Cost no Actions.

Move to Target Location. 3 Range. 1/1 Times Per Turn.

Attack Target Enemy. 1 range. Cost 1 action.

Load target ally. 1 range. Cost the Ally 1 action point. Cost 1 Action point. Maximum 1 unit. The ally will be now stat of the roc, leaving play when it dies, or loose control.

Unload ally. 1 range. Stuns Ally. Cost 1 Action Point.

Loaded allyes are protected by pegasus. If pegasus dies or you loose control over it, the loaded ally dies.
Units / Re: New Units Ideas
June 22, 2009, 05:09:37 PM
I didn't got it. The unit is stunned, but after that they can move. The unit is not indestructible, only immune to all other enemyes.
Bug List / Immunity Issues - FIXED
June 22, 2009, 12:48:54 PM
When the ability is not exactly directed to a unit, sometimes the immunity doesnt work. Examples.

Bounty hunter marks heretic. If another unit attack heretic, the bounty hunter loose life. - FIXED
Bounty hunter marks footman. Footman still cancel its movement. - FIXED
Sycophant after flatter is still affected by Mourner's Lament. That affect to much a game where one of the players have a mourner + hydra. - FIXED
Sycophant after flatter still return to castle when killed, by Feathered Serpent's Rebirth - FIXED
Same About Spendor and Benevolence - FIXED
Templars affected by quartermaster's provisions, FS benevolence, mourner's lament, witch's curse while invulnerable - FIXED
Sycophants after flatter still affected by abjurer's ward - FIXED
Units / Balancement of Units
June 22, 2009, 10:18:49 AM
There are lots of people saying that units should be more balanced. I created this topic to share some of mine ideas about the units that need a change. =D

Diabolist. Its currently to much powerfull. I know many people will agree with me, but it is much often the only kind of mage used in top constructed. I would suggest it start game with 0 souls, or limit again the maximum number of ghosts. But maybe the best option is increase ghost's deployment cost to 2.

Necromancer. Exept of combos with mourners, the necromancers are a bit underpowered. It cost to much and its summons are useless. I would suggest maybe that units killed by zombies rise as new zombies and units killed by skeletons rise as new skeletons.

Archangel. I would suggest it to be +1 life, + 1 power + 1 armour, and aegis changed to:

First 2 times an enemy attack, spell or skill is directed to an allied unit, it is cancelled. Max 1 time per allied unit. Or simply add a range to the aegis, and remove the ability to return to castle, and incrase again power and armour.

Priest. This unit is underpowered exept when come with clergy to protect. I would suggest it have 2 or 3 range in healing.

Shield Maiden. What about if the shield maiden receive damage with the protected unit armour? That would reduce people that use this to make weak units, like mages, become to much strong. So, i would like to see maybe it +1 life, with 50$ cost.

Diplomat. What about if while armistice, units are also unable to move in direction of opposing castle? If people like this idea, i think it need another change: Armistice need to be used at beggining of the turn, or until you move to enemy castle direction or direct something at enemy.

General. 4 power would be overpowered. I would like to see something like +1 commands next turn when this unit kills.

I would like to see also 2 power in strategist.

I would suggest confessor penance to get in range not murderers, but units that have attacked in previous turn. That would make it more balanced, i think.

Heretic. Its nice now, but what about of 4 power, 100$, and reckoning doesnt affect enemy units with 1 life?

Martyr needs a small boost. Maybe deploy cost 1?

I think mourners shouldn't be affected by lament. I cant see how to balance this unit.

Elephants. I would like to see something like footman attack: Move to unit and attack it and damage by 6. 5 range.

Chieftains would be nice with 5 range in goad, and -100$.

Changelings. Traded units should be immune to allies until beggining of turn. I hate changelings and artificers combo.

Golem. I think it needs 10 life.

Footman. What about if move to attacked enemy location when the unit dies?

Warrior. It needs +1 life. My opine.

Would be nice armory at 250$, and give +1 power to units in 1 range. Or maybe that can create squires, and still the same. (Squires would be something that protect allies, a bit weak)(Maximum 1 extra power per armory, for sure)

Abjurers need a boost. What about if 6 range to allyes? Or add target enemy return as ally to castle, 2 range.

Portals need 3 range, dont summon killers, Gates can maybe return enemyes to castle.

Alchemist needs a to be seriously revised. It have some nices idea. I would remove the fact that i can use the potion the turn alchemist give them, make heal potion a bit more usable. So we could make it a bit cheaper too.

Artificer should be seriously revised too. I dont see how to fix it, so, i would remove it and make another unit in its place.

Wizard can be 4 range attack and cant levitate range units. This is messing the game with flight, trade places, flight, use spells.

Dracolich should be very, very, cheaper. I think about 300$. Its a nice amount. We can make it 350$ and give 3 actions.

I think Hydra could be revised too. Not the self hydra, but the serpents. The fact that it is vigilant and poison impeace everyone from attempt to kill it with melee. I would remove poison in vigilant attacks, and let poison as special ability to be used. It can be 7 heads too, i never heard about hydras with 6 heads.

The feathered serpent is very nice, but i dont like its splendor. We can mightly give it reduce the damage by 1 anywhere within 5, and give serpent attack. Maybe reduce cost to 450$.

Bye everyone. Feedback apreciated.

Zatikon Support / Re: balancing random
June 22, 2009, 09:40:19 AM
I liked the new idea format. But that would increase the number of uber combos in random. What need to happen is balancement the units.
Bug List / Footman/Bounty Hunter issue - FIXED
June 22, 2009, 12:04:45 AM
When bounty hunter marks footman, footman still block its movement in 1 range.
Units / Re: Zatikon Guide
June 20, 2009, 04:20:47 PM
About the sycophant, when possible, try to place a footman near the sycophant after flatter. That will impeace it from running away