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Messages - Kran

Units / Re: Doppelganger
June 20, 2009, 03:18:31 PM
Angel flyes, so, making it return to the midlecamp doesnt cost much commands.
Thats why people try to advance a bit necromancers and summoners. Making summons much away from frontline cost to much.
Units / Re: Zatikon Guide
June 20, 2009, 03:17:04 PM
Barbarian have to be used in counterattacks, or againt units lots of units. Remenber that sometimes when there are no much enemyes, it more usefull to attack once and move twice, instead of attacking 3 times and then out of enemyes in next turn ^^. Many times barbarian main utility is to  make enemyes retreat, than you can advance rest of your units.
Units / Re: Zatikon Guide
June 19, 2009, 04:25:37 PM
I would add that templars work very well  exactly becouse it is the only combat unit that can heal.
Also, when fighting with diabolists, remenber to count the souls. When you have a diabolist, and it have only 1 soul, many times you can kill a unit with other unit to get diabolist the other soul it needs. Remenber also that units detonated also give souls to diabolist.
Units / Re: Sycophant clarification
June 19, 2009, 09:41:01 AM
I think its perfect at 50$
Units / Re: Sycophant clarification
June 19, 2009, 12:06:42 AM
Thats why i say they are unbalanced...
Units / Re: The Conjurer
June 18, 2009, 12:24:27 AM
What about portal only summon allies and killers? I dont think reduce portal range would help balance it.
Another sollution i see is to make portals really sound like portals. Here is my suggestion:

Any allied unit that can move to any portal location, can move instead to any location 1 range of any portal.
Pass thought portals cost same as moving, and units are not able to act in the turn after passing thru a portal.
Zatikon Support / Re: BUGS
June 16, 2009, 09:37:12 PM
Lots of bugs: (really lots)
Feathered serpent's Rebirth still works in units with hubris
Feathered serpent's Benevolence still works in units with hubris
Feathered serpent's Splendor still works in units with hubris
Healer's ability to heal damaged allies works in units with hubris
Abjurer's Ward  still works in units with hubris
Witch's Curse aren't cancelled by the archangel
Clockwork AI units doesnt have the description for the innorganic ability, and I think description for stun too (Mightly units) Low priority.
Flying mounted units have writen 2 times.  : "Movement cost no actions"Same applyes to units that get flattered twice by a sycophant ( with 2 hubris). No priority
Sycophant hubris doesnt allow units to help SELF. That makes no matter. Templar cant heal self. I think arrogance doesnt cause that. (Doesnt apply to succor)
Attacks life fire archer one doesnt cause damage in hubris units. Thats right, but sounds strange. Same with lightining, fireballs, smokebomb (Asassin) and detonate (Diabolist)
Quartermasters still heal units with hubris, when they doesnt act.

When a Feathered serpent in in templar team, then sycophant flatter templar, then templar indestructible, then kill the sycophant, the templar is still live (Thats ok), but VERY SRANGE, a dopleganger shadow moves to castle instead of rebirth. The sycophant doesnt go to castle
Diabolist still gain souls from dead hubris units.
Mourner's lament still trigger when hubris unit die.
Mourner's lament still affect units with hubris.
Invincible templar still receive somethings while invinciple. (Witch curse, abjurer ward, any automatic heal [QM or FS], extra life from mourner) Same applyes to changelings affected by fey. It says immune to EVERYTHING. I think that could be changed to immune to allies ^^.

Another important thing. Fireballs cant be targetted at invincible units. Thats not right, sometimes you wanna attack there, to damage surrounding units. Same apply to warlock lighining, but this time i can see no reason to get angry becouse of have to make the lighining a bit shorter.
Units / Re: The Conjurer
June 16, 2009, 05:11:13 PM
Completely disagree. Sure that conjurer is stronger againt expensive units, but when the enemy have the first move, almost impossible to face. Each turn a new portal in game, so, you can place catapults or other range units in right place to attack and kill at once. Also, that stuns the unit, i think this is bad, and doesnt force the conjurer's army to kill that unit in that move. To rush with 4, 5, units of 3 action each, you need many commands , much more than conjurer's army need to kill each one of your units. At most you kill one or 2 of the enemy units, loose all your cheap units and... you loose. You probably like it becouse you play with them, not againt. We can try a game with mine using a conjurer and you a balanced army, You see that the conjurer will still be powerfull even you knowing that he will be in. about golems, get some range and you kill it. About knight, they are the "expensive units" you are talking about. About killing enemy portals, ok, you can do that, but probably a sacrifice of a piece for a portal, spending many commands, againt portals that can be generated each turn for simply one command. I dont think this is fair. I would like to see portals very weaker and gates stronger. Maybe portals just summon allies or killers, gates returning also enemyes to castle, but in 3 range. Artificers can deal with it, but they some of most unbalanced units in the game.  I think I will post a list of unbalanced units soon. I can beat that with dragon and diplomat, But also diplomats are very unbalanced. (Becouse of armistice). Noone needs to agree with me, but i make my best to let my opines clear.

I see a ploblem with multiple confessors. With 2 confessors the murderers will die more quickly, so, less murderers to attack.
I cant see whats wrong with bersekers
Zatikon Discussion / Re: Summoner issues
June 16, 2009, 02:03:12 AM
Oh no. Dont say me that changed. Someone please bring this "bug" back please ^^. Possessed should mantein, as much as poison. As much as doplegangers does with twins.
Zatikon Discussion / Re: Changling/Doppleganger
June 16, 2009, 02:00:11 AM
Agree. Expecially with the part of "this would be very hard".
Units / Re: The Conjurer
June 15, 2009, 10:32:25 PM
Well, i change my opines about units very quickly. This is for sure the worse unit of the game. Completely anti-strategical, this doesnt allow enemy to show any strategy with its 8 range. 8 range is absurd. The problem is not only that. Imagine a balanced deck. Think about healers, golems, diabolists, melee, tacts, command post, general, some horseman and everything we consider balanced. I would say that ALL balanced armyes loose againt a conjurer-based army. Thats bad, but true. You can think about priest. Priest are strong with conjurer, but beatable, they have to get 5 range of enemyes to convert. Its summon killer ability causes that you cant kill the portals. We cant try to rush due to commands, and cant try to kill cuz your units get stunned and die againt the opponent's army. I only see some armyes that can beat Conjurer + 2 archer or Archer + Longbowman. Rangers can beat it, but its VERY VERY HARD. You can immagine that. Second option: Get a dragon and 2 diplomats. The diplomat is in the top of what i consider unbalanced, only after the conjurer. 1 single reason: Allow rush without nothing that can stop it. Rangers destroy enemy army easily, as much as dragons with fireballs. Ok that dragons have 6 range, but 3 are movement. Movement makes the dragon vulnerable after fireball. Units like a knight can easyly kill them after fireball, but not with a diplomat.  After killing entire army, you can return to your area and go killing enemy reimaning units, like knights or warriors, or any other heavy melee. This game is "walking" backwards since that "RPS" are not paladins vs dragon anymore and Combos are not anymore healer and paladins. Nothing that can be circunvented, now, you can know when you loose before start of games if you know opponents army. Thats when the game is beetwen Top Vs low rank. Top players usually agree mutually to doesnt bring any conjurer, artificer, diplomat or other funless and unbalanced units

Units / Re: Doppelganger
June 15, 2009, 09:12:41 PM
I know. But think about the amount of commands needed to make the twin goes from the castle to the midlecamp... Time, commands. The dopleganger have a strong attack, but its 1 armour mess him. =D
Compared to other units like the channeler, mourner, its a perfectly balanced unit...
Units / Re: Doppelganger
June 15, 2009, 05:41:46 PM
I dont think so. It is a bit fragile in fight and cant cause any pressure. I dont think it should cost more than a healer of a channeler.